0. Main Conference
Videos - Main Conference
- Exploring Randomly Wired Neural Networks (Facebook)
- Searching for MobileNetV3 (Google Research)
- A Camera That CNNs: Towards Embedded Neural Networks on Pixel Processor Arrays (Uni of Manchester)
1. Visual Recognition for Images, Video and 3D
Videos - Visual Recognition for Images, Videos and 3D
- On Connectivity for Representation Learning (Saining Xie, Facebook)
- Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
- Detectron 2
2. Visual Object Tracking Challenge (VOT Challenge)
Videos - VOT 2019
- VOT2019 RT (Real-time) Challenge Winner - SiamMargin
- VOT2019 LT (Long-term) Challenge Winner - Long-term tracking by diving videos into successive short episodes (LT_DSE)
3. Interpretable Machine Learning for Computer Vision
Slides - Interpretable Machine Learning for Computer Vision
Videos - Interpretable Machine Learning for Computer Vision
- Understanding Models via Visualization and Attribution (Oxford)
- Understanding Latent Semantics in GANs (CUHK)
- Deep Compositional Networks (JHU)