OpenGV: Class List
C++ Library for solving geometric vision problems.
Some good toolkits for 3D Vision and SLAM that does not exist on OpenCV
- L. Kneip, D. Scaramuzza, R. Siegwart, "A Novel Parametrization of the Perspective-Three-Point Problem for a Direct Computation of Absolute Camera Position and Orientation", Proc. of The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Colorado Springs, USA. June 2011.
- L. Kneip, M. Chli, R. Siegwart, "Robust Real-Time Visual Odometry with a Single Camera and an IMU", Proc. of The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Dundee, UK. August 2011.
- T. Kazik, L. Kneip, J. Nikolic, M. Pollefeys, R. Siegwart, "Real-Time 6D Stereo Visual Odometry with Non-Overlapping Fields of View", Proc. of The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Providence, USA. June 2012.
- L. Kneip, R. Siegwart, M. Pollefeys, "Finding the Exact Rotation Between Two Images Independently of the Translation", Proc. of The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Florence, Italy. October 2012.
- L. Kneip, P. Furgale, R. Siegwart, "Using Multi-Camera Systems in Robotics: Efficient Solutions to the NPnP Problem", Proc. of The IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Karlsruhe, Germany. May 2013.
- L. Kneip, S. Lynen, "Direct Optimization of Frame-to-Frame Rotation", Proc. of The International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Sydney, Australia. December 2013.
- L. Kneip, H. Li, "Efficient Computation of Relative Pose for Multi-Camera Systems", In Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Columbus, USA. June 2014.
- L. Kneip, H. Li, Y. Seo, "UPnP: An optimal O(n) solution to the absolute pose problem with universal applicability", In Proc. of The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Zurich, Switzerland. September 2014.