1. Camera Model + Projective Geometry
- Digital Image의 특성
- 해상도, 컬러 채널, 대비
- Point, Line, Edge, Blob
- 카메라 / 렌즈 하드웨어
- Sensor Resolution, Aperture, ISO, Exposure, Shutter Speed
- Noise model, convolution, filtering, Fourier analysis
- Pinhole 카메라 모델, 왜곡, 캘리브레이션
- Pinhole 카메라 모델의 영상 투영
- Radial / Tangential 왜곡 모델
- Zhang 카메라 캘리브레이션
- Projective Geometry Homogenous Coordinates
- Vanishing point
- Euler Angle, Axis-angle, Quaternion, SO(3), SE(3)
- Transformation
2. Feature Detection / Descriptor / Matching
- Feature Detector
- Properties of corner, Scale space
- Harris / Shi-Tomasi
- Feature Descriptor
- Feature Matching
- Brute-Force matching
- FLANN - Nearest Neighbour
- LSH / Multi-probe LSH
- Optical flow, KLT Tracker
- Horn & Schunck L2 / LK / L1 Reg Optical flow
- KLT Tracker
3. Multiview geometry
- Epipolar geometry (2D-2D)
- Essential / Fundamental Matrix (5/8-point)
- Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
- Homography Transformation (4-point)
- Multiple view (2D-3D)
- Perspective-n-Points Problem (PnP)
- Triangulation / Disparity
- Iterative Closet Points Problem (ICP)
- Outlier Rejection
- Robust Estimator / Maximum consensus problem
- Convex relaxation
- Bundle adjustment / Structure from Motion
- Numerical Methods and optimisation
- Gauss-Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
- Gradient Descent algorithm
- Least squares problems / non-linear solvers
4. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
- Introduction to SLAM
- Definition of SLAM
- Difference between SLAM, SfM, Odometry, Path planning, Image stitching
- Indirect (feature-based) vs Direct-based SLAM
- Loop closure / Bag of Visual Words
- Descriptor database formulation / query
- kd-tree
- Mapping
- Stereo matching
- OctoMap
- Voxel Hashing